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Hi, I'm Sarthak!


My 4P's: Polyglot, Programmer, Pianist, Political enthusiast Software Engineer, bridging my passion and profession. Currently working with backend development on Java-based Tech stack in a microservices environment. Areas of interest: DevOps (🐳,🕸), and Cloud ☁ Computing(Azure, AWS). #gopher , #javadev I like connecting🤝 with people across the 🌏, discovering new opportunities, and interacting🙋‍♂️. A Polyglot🗣: I have elementary proficiency in several languages like Español, Deutsch, English, and Japanese. I am passionate about History(Ancient History), Geography🌌(Space Science), and Geopolitics. I love sharing my knowledge and engaging in constructive dialogues. I work as a Backend Java Developer for a Universal Bank. Aspiring to be a Full stack Cloud Developer!


    I am experienced in developing enterprise grade microservices using Spring Framework.
    I primarily work with Azure Pipelines, and am comfortable performing CI/CD tasks using Azure Devops
    I have some experience performing unit testing, static code analysis, automated testing, and containerization technology
    I have keen interest in Cloud domain
I primarily work with Java based Spring boot framework, but also posses elementary knowledge of Go-language and its frameworks.


Please reach out to me on my email or LinkedIn